CSS Linear Background Gradient Generator

Color Palette

How to Use The CSS Linear Background Gradient Generator:

  • Choose Colors: Use the color picker tool or input color codes directly to select the colors for your gradient. Add multiple colors by clicking on the Add Color button if needed.
  • Set Gradient Angle: Adjust the gradient angle by either dragging the angle slider or inputting a specific degree (e.g., 90° for a horizontal gradient).
  • Randomize Colors: If you’re unsure of the color combination, click “Randomize” to generate random colors for your gradient.
  • Reverse Gradient: Click Reverse to swap the positions of your chosen colors, altering the gradient direction.
  • Adjust Dimensions: Set the width and height of the gradient box by inputting values in the Width and Height fields (in pixels).
  • Customize Border Radius: Input a value in the Border Radius field to round the corners of the gradient box, if desired.
  • Animate (Optional): Click the Animate button if the tool offers animation features for the gradient.
  • View & Export: Preview the gradient in the displayed box. Click Export to obtain the CSS code, which you can copy and use in your project.
  • Use the Generated CSS: Copy the generated CSS code and integrate it into your stylesheet or directly into the style tag within your HTML file.
  • HTML Integration: Place the <div class="gradient"></div> HTML code snippet within your webpage to display the gradient as a background.

I am a frontend web developer passionate about design and user experience. I love creating CSS tools to help others and excel in building dynamic, responsive websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Always eager to learn, I stay updated with the latest web technologies and trends.