3D Button Generator

How to Use CSS 3D Button Generator

  • Access the Tool: Open the 3D Button Generator tool in your web browser.
  • Choose Button Color: Select the desired background color for your button using the color picker labeled Button Color.
  • Set Text Color: Choose a color for the text on the button using the Text Color option.
  • Adjust Font Size: Set the font size for the button text by entering a value (e.g., 16px) in the Font Size field.
  • Configure Border Radius: Specify the border radius to define the button’s rounded corners by entering a value (e.g., 5px) in the Border Radius field.
  • Define 3D Depth: Set the depth of the 3D effect by entering a value (e.g., 5px) in the 3D Depth field.
  • Set Shadow Opacity: Adjust the shadow opacity to control the darkness of the button’s shadow by entering a value between 0 and 1 (e.g., 0.3) in the Shadow Opacity field.
  • Enter Button Text: Type the text you want to appear on the button in the Button Text field.
  • Preview Button: View a live preview of your button to see how the current settings look.
  • Copy CSS: Once satisfied with the button’s appearance, copy the CSS code provided in the CSS Output section. This code includes styles for creating the 3D effect.
  • Implement in HTML: Paste the copied CSS into your stylesheet or a <style> tag in your HTML document. Use the provided HTML snippet to add the button to your webpage.
  • Test Button: Make sure the button appears correctly on your website and functions as expected when clicked.
  • Make Adjustments: If needed, return to the tool to make further adjustments to the button’s style and repeat the process.

By following these steps, you can easily create and customize a 3D button for your web projects using the 3D Button Generator tool.


I am a frontend web developer passionate about design and user experience. I love creating CSS tools to help others and excel in building dynamic, responsive websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Always eager to learn, I stay updated with the latest web technologies and trends.