CSS Border Blend

How to Use the CSS Border Blend Generator

  • Open the Tool: Access the CSS Border Blend Generator in your web browser.
  • Adjust Border Width: Use the Border Width (px) slider to set the desired border width in pixels.
  • Set Border Radius: Use the Border Radius (%) slider to define the roundness of the border corners in percentage.
  • Choose Gradient Angle: Adjust the Gradient Angle (deg) slider to set the angle of the gradient applied to the border.
  • Pick Border Colors: Click on the color pickers to select the colors for the border. By default, two color pickers are provided, but you can add more by clicking the ADD COLOR button.
  • Add More Colors: Click the ADD COLOR button to add additional color pickers. Each new color picker allows you to choose a new color for the gradient.
  • View and Copy CSS Output: The CSS code for your design is automatically generated and displayed in the CSS Output textarea. Click the COPY CSS button to copy the generated CSS code to your clipboard.
  • Randomize Settings: Click the RANDOM ALL button to automatically set random values for border width, radius, gradient angle, and colors.
  • Apply Changes: As you adjust sliders and color pickers, the border preview updates in real-time to reflect your changes.

I am a frontend web developer passionate about design and user experience. I love creating CSS tools to help others and excel in building dynamic, responsive websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Always eager to learn, I stay updated with the latest web technologies and trends.