CSS Color Variables Generator

CSS Variables


Base Color Input: Enter the base color in the input field (e.g., #4287f5). Alternatively, click “Random” to generate a random base color.

Generate Palette: Click on the “Generate Palette” button to create a color palette based on the base color.

View Generated Colors:

Primary: Contains light, base, and dark variations.

Secondary: Contains light, base, and dark variations.

Tertiary: Contains light, base, and dark variations.

Analogous1 and Analogous2: Two sets of analogous colors with light, base, and dark variations.

Complementary: A set of complementary colors with light, base, and dark variations.

Copy CSS Variables: The generated CSS variables are provided in the text area under CSS Variables. Click Copy CSS to copy the variables to your clipboard.

Dark Theme Variables: The dark theme variables are automatically generated with darker shades for each color category.

Use in Your Project: Paste the copied CSS variables into your project’s stylesheet within the :root selector for general use. Use the .dark class in your HTML or CSS to apply the dark theme colors when needed.


I am a frontend web developer passionate about design and user experience. I love creating CSS tools to help others and excel in building dynamic, responsive websites with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Always eager to learn, I stay updated with the latest web technologies and trends.